On chen chi ' s idea of substituting import for lndustry 论陈炽的发展进口替代工业思想
Solo exhibition of chen chi - fa . . 音乐学系第22届毕业制作系列音乐会. .
Xu ying - ying , chen chi , wang jie and yin yu - zhe 徐英莹陈赤王捷殷玉
Famine and people ' s livelihood : a new perspective on the economic thought of chen chi 考察陈炽经济思想的新视角
Since the voice of the local majority began to be heard , chen chi - nan says , this helped improve relations between different ethnic groups 陈其南指出:如此的转变,让大多数民众的心声得以抒发,进而改善族群之间的关系。